Why run for Mayor?

Why are you running for mayor?

Compassion and love for the People and the Environment. Honolulu’s future is more important today than ever before. Yes the Pandemic and the Economic Recession remains with inflation still affecting our living habits, especially food; but Climate Change foresees more destruction and health concerns than anything happening today. My leadership offers the plan to solve the crises through Sustainability. Sustainability means self sufficiency, cleaning the environment, no pollution, changing our living habits for a cleaner and healthier lifestyle within a pure and organic environment. A self sufficient economy with housing programs like greenverdefarms.com can offer security and housing to the public including the low income and homeless; quality organic food production, value added products for local consumption and export, healthier and cleaner city environment by reducing auto pollution and congestion with cleaner and quieter transportation, parks, community farms, and patented design products with agriculture, and food production. Cooperation and coordination with all school level entities creating technology and training to develop programs to include Hawaii’s own internet & privacy control system and numerous other programs and products can add to our resources for a sustainable quality of life in Honolulu.


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