


Goal:  Administrator City of Honolulu

Skills & Abilities

  • Leadership policy creation coordinating management, marketing, economics, social, environmental issues for presenting and implementing programs for quality Community Living in Honolulu


numerous websites and subdomains educating on health, environment, tech, community etc, and marketing products and services.

Consulting Office of Duke Bourgoin 

–       Management, Marketing, Financial, and Environmental issues.

Law Office of David L Bourgoin                                                                                                inactive status available for projects

Honolulu, Hawaii                                             

  • Business, Environmental, Real Estate, International, Social Community

Realty Office of David L Bourgoin                                                                                   1990 to p inactive

Honolulu, Hawaii                                          

  • Real Estate marketing and sales (currently inactive)

Instructor/Professor: 1980’s to 2000s

UH University of Hawaii,  Business School- Management   &. TIM Travel Industry Management-, Hotel Management

HPU       and        Chaminade University,      Management

University of Maryland, in Asia and Europe, Management, Marketing, Economics

Thammasat University, MBA Program(Thailand)) Management,   /    Wurzburg University (Germany) Internet Law

Journalism:  Press and Media Production-TCR Productions, LLC HI

Agriculture:, HOFA, Hawaii chi Trading CO

SCORE  and  ELAN Counselor 


University of San Diego –   JD

UCLA. University California Los Angeles-  MBA

St Peters University, BS Accounting


  • Producer of numerous promotional, educational, and theatrical video/media productions